Western No. 41
Western Lodge Royal Ark Mariners No. 41
Moored to Western Council No. 41 AMD
Est. 1956
Generally meet January, March, May, September and November with special meetings as needed for degrees and ritual practice. Western Council members are generally from Kern County which includes Bakersfield, Kernville and Ridgecrest. Western Council is a ritual council dedicated to working all the AMD degrees as well as developing quality Masonic fellowship.
The Commander Noah Degree, a chair degree available to all past or sitting Sovereign Masters, is usually scheduled for the November meeting. The Royal Ark Mariner Degree is scheduled for the January meeting to elevate new members. For information on attending either of these degrees please contact the council/lodge secretary.
Western Council is the oldest council in California and hosted the Annual California Allied Masonic Degrees Ingathering from 2010 to 2019 during the period the Grand Superintendent of California was a member of Western Council No. 41 and had the authority to host an official state Ingathering.
Secretary: Gary Jackson
P. O. Box 9423
Bakersfield, CA 93389